Environmental Site Services

Unraveling site complexities . . . 

Mutch Associates has many years of experience with planning and executing environmental field studies. Beginning in the early 1970s, the staff of Mutch Associates conducted some of the first in-depth hydrogeologic studies of pre-Superfund, hazardous waste disposal sites, and later applied that experience to Superfund and other waste disposal and industrial plant sites across the country and many parts of the world.

Site Assessment:​

  • Site investigation (design and implementation of environmental sampling studies,
  • Well design, drilling and installation oversight,
  • Hydrogeologic support services (aquifer testing, slug testing, water level surveys)​,
  • Advanced aquifer testing (transducer deployment, packer tests, tracer tests, cross-hole tests to determine anisotropy in fractured and porous media),
  • Surface water and sediments sampling/analysis,
  • Conceptual Site Model Development and 3-D visualization, and
  • Groundwater/surface water monitoring programs (sampling/analysis, data management, quarterly/annual reporting.

Site Remediation:

  • Analysis of remedial alternatives,
  • Numerical modeling of remedial alternatives,
  • Remedial design investigations,
  • Treatability studies,
  • Conceptual remedial design for soil and groundwater including in situ chemical oxidation/reductions, hydraulic containment, permeable reactive barriers (PRBs), capping systems and air sparging/soil vapor extraction systems,
  • Design of in-situ treatment systems,
  • Implementation of Pilot tests,
  • Peer Review of existing or proposed remedies, and
  • Strategic Technical Advice for site portfolio management and remediation.

Contaminated Sites Litigation Support:

  • Peer review and expert testimony
  • Cost Allocation
  • Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
  • Environmental forensics services
  • Natural Resource Damage (NRD) support